Gentle Driving of Piles
Fast. Noise-free. Reliable.
assured driveability
no more comprehensive noise mitigation measures
The GDP technology
Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) is a new technology for the vibratory installation of tubular (mono)piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise emission can be achieved by applying to the pile a combination of axial and torsional vibrations.
Installing and removing
The GDP method allows full extraction of old (mono)piles at the end of their lifecycle. The advantages of the GDP technology for decommissioning projects are:
Contribution to the circular economy goals by providing complete removal of offshore and onshore pile foundations;
Reducing the operational offshore time and in this way minimizing the costs of the decommissioning operation;
Aiming at zero environmental impact: by causing no damage to any neighboring structures, such as dams or any other type the coastal protection infrastructure.
Get rid of expensive noise mitigation measures
The fact that torsional vibrations cannot propagate in the water eliminates the issue of noise emissions protecting the well-being of the marine species as well as the operators. In the soil, the vibration propagation is also reduced drastically as already tested within a pilot full-size joint-industry project GDP 1.0. Consequently, in the case of offshore (mono)pile installation projects, the environmental noise emissions will be negligible compared to all existing techniques. This allows taking expensive noise mitigation measures such as noise mitigation screens or bubble curtains out of the equation. Which, obviously, leads to significant cost reduction.
Direct benefits of the GDP technology
The reduction in noise emissions eliminates the need for noise reduction systems and reduces the environmental impact of monopile installation.
Faster pile penetration through soil means that more monopiles can be installed, accelerating the energy transition.
Reduction of loads on monopile reduces the amount of steel required and subsequently reduces the CAPEX of the offshore wind farms.
The GDP technology is an enabler for decommissioning of old monopiles, contributing to a circular economy.